Oreo is BACK!! YAY!!
Rejoice my dear ignorant humans, For I, Oreo have returned!!!! I know you all have been miserable without me however I assure you I am fine and ready to answer your questions to me!! First question is from Annonymous~~ Oreo, do tell us how is it living with Little Sharkie? Is she a good owner? Do you think she loves you enough? Well personally I think Little Sharkie is an annoying little homo sapien who (Little Sharkie: Oreo, you know this my blog, I can see what your typing here) Okay okay. Truthfully I think she's a very sweet person who gives my treats and rubs my belly when I'm bored. There you happy now? (Little Sharkie: Awww!! That's so sweet of you to say! Are you going soft on me Oreo?) NO I'm not so shut up!! Anyways moving on..... This one is from Tweet~~ Dear Evil Biscuit, How's your world domination going? I had a question for you. If you were human, what kind of person would you want to be and what would you like to do? And oh, wh...