I should have posted this sooner!


I am a bad blogger, I have summer vacation and instead of writing on blog, what do I do?
I go away on holiday leaving you all alone. I'm sorry! Please forgive me!!!

Anyways, now that I've apologized....


I'm sleepy. So recently I went to Amsterdam and London for vacation. I really loved the cities they were beautiful, however there was just something about Amsterdam that I loved so much.

For one everyone was so sweet and so friendly and every time I had a conversation with them I was like "I wanna learn Dutch." and then a few hours later I would be watching TV or reading a book and my Learn Languages app will send a notification on my phone saying it's time for me to learn new words in Dutch and I'll be all like...
Een Andere Keer!
(BTW I had to search this translation on Google Translate if any Dutch people are reading this please don't get mad, angry, offended, jaded, pissed etc. I love your language I think it's beautiful)
Anyways this was just a short update, I actually wrote this in June but I'm publishing it in September. It's hard I'm in my new Grade and I spent my whole Summer Vacations studying once I returned from my vacations.

Oreo kept coming up to me like "When are you going to post next?Since you're not can I have your laptop? Can I post? Can I order Uranium on Amazon?"

(BTW Oreo my answer is still no on the Uranium, I don't care if your behind schedule on your plans for world domination, I'm not letting you order anything with my credit card.)

However I do plan on posting soon again this week.
~Sharkie Out!!
(BTW I wanna give a heads up to the blog A Fangirl Life, the author Little Imperfect is retiring as a blogger and I just wanna say I'll miss you and I've loved your blog, you can check it out by clicking on this link http://hashtagthefangirlife.blogspot.in/)

Now one more time,

~Sharkie Out!!!


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